Three people in a meeting at a table discussing schedule on their Microsoft laptop

Introducing the New Microsoft Planner (Everything You Need to Know)

Calendars, task lists, and project planning are important business tools. Many people use Microsoft’s apps to power these processes. Including Planner, Microsoft To Do, and Project for the web.

These tools help keep processes on track and enable task accountability. But they’re separate apps. Switching between apps can be cumbersome. It adds more complexity to a workflow.

On average, employees switch between 22 different apps 350 times per day.

Microsoft is putting a dent in app overload. The company is rolling out a brand-new version of Microsoft Planner in early 2024. It’s packed with exciting features designed to simplify your project management journey.

What apps does the new Planner include?

The new Microsoft Planner combines:

  • The current Planner’s collaboration features
  • The simplicity of Microsoft To Do for task management
  • The capabilities of Microsoft Project for the web
  • The automation of Microsoft Copilot (the company’s AI companion)

The new Planner promises to be a powerful tool for staying organized. As well as boosting collaboration and achieving your goals with more ease.

Unifying Your Workflow: Tasks, Plans & Projects in One Place

Say goodbye to juggling several apps and hello to a streamlined experience. The new Planner goes beyond basic to-do lists. It seamlessly integrates tasks, plans, and projects under one roof.

This means you can manage everything from large to small. Including simple daily tasks to complex multi-phased projects. And do it all within a single, intuitive interface.

You can use the new Microsoft Planner from within Microsoft Teams or via a web browser. Here are some of the exciting things you will be able to do with it.

Enhanced Collaboration: Working Together Made Easy

Collaboration is key in today’s fast-paced world. Working remotely has become the new normal. Meaning tools need to keep people coordinated wherever they are.

The new Planner empowers teams to work together seamlessly. Real-time updates ensure everyone stays on the same page. Features like shared task ownership and comments foster clear communication and efficient collaboration.

AI-Powered Insights: Your Smart Copilot for Success

The new Planner incorporates the power of AI with Microsoft Copilot built in. This intelligent assistant helps you stay on top of your work. It can suggest relevant plans, tasks, and goals based on your needs and context. It can even analyze your progress and suggest adjustments to keep you on track.

Scaling with Your Needs: From Simple Tasks to Enterprise Projects

One size doesn’t fit all. The new Planner understands that. It offers flexibility to cater to both individual needs and complex enterprise projects. Microsoft Planner can adapt to your specific requirements. It’s flexible for use to fill big or small needs. Use it for managing a personal grocery list. Or to plan and deploy a large-scale company transformation.

Pre-Built Templates: Get Started Fast & Save Time

You don’t have to start from “square 1,” unless you want to. Microsoft Planner provides several ready-made templates. You can use these to get started on a new project or goal quickly.

You’ll see templates for things like:

  • Project Management
  • Software Development
  • Sprint Planning
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Commercial Construction
  • Employee Onboarding
  • and more

Here’s a sneak peek at some key features of the new Microsoft Planner 2024:

  • Improved Navigation: A redesigned interface makes finding what you need faster and easier.
  • Enhanced Task Views: It has different views, like grid and board views. These let you customize how you see and organize your tasks.
  • Microsoft App Integration: Planner integrates with many Microsoft tools. Including, Power BI, Teams, Microsoft Viva Goals, Power Automate, and more.
  • Customizable Fields: Add custom fields to tasks. Use them to capture specific information relevant to your project needs.
  • Goal Setting: Define clear goals and track progress visually within your plans.
  • Critical Path: Identify the essential tasks needed to complete your project on time.
  • Improved Search: Find the information you need quickly and easily. The app has powerful search functionality.

Access and Availability

Mark your calendars! The new Planner will be available in preview in early 2024. It will become generally available soon after. Some features will roll out later in the year. You can visit Microsoft’s site to sign up for updates and see a feature roadmap.

The Future of Tasks, Planning & Project Management

The new Microsoft Planner 2024 is an example of a trend we’ve seen in the digital world. Less is more. Meaning, fewer apps to juggle and more streamlined interfaces.

Planner’s powerful features make it an invaluable tool. One that both individuals and teams alike can leverage to streamline workflows. It also has an intuitive interface and AI-powered assistant to drive productivity.

Get Expert Business Software Support & Management

Managing both legacy and new cloud tools can be complex. Features often go underutilized. And security can be a big problem if it’s not done right. Our team of business software experts is here to help you.

Contact us today to schedule a chat.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.

A small business owner contemplating about managed IT services

11 Most Important Managed IT Services for Small Businesses

11 Most Important Managed IT Services for Small Businesses

In the fast-paced digital age, small businesses face unique challenges. One of these is managing their IT infrastructure.

A small business owner contemplating about managed IT servicesby Taylor Grote (

Managed IT services can be a game-changer. They offer a way for businesses to outsource their IT operations. This allows them to focus on their core activities.

But what exactly are these services? And how can they benefit small businesses?

In this article, we will explore 11 of the most important managed IT services for small businesses. We will delve into how each service can enhance productivity, secure business technology, and streamline operations.

Whether you’re a startup founder, a small business owner, or an entrepreneur, this guide will provide valuable insights. It will help you understand how managed IT services can contribute to your business’s success.

Understanding Managed IT Services

Managed IT services refer to the practice of outsourcing IT tasks. These tasks can range from network management to data backup and recovery. The goal is to improve business operations.

A managed IT service provider (MSP) takes care of these tasks. They use specialized expertise and advanced technologies. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, without worrying about IT issues.

The Role of Managed IT Services in Small Business Success

Managed IT services play a crucial role in the success of small businesses. They help businesses stay competitive in the digital landscape.

By outsourcing IT tasks, businesses can ensure their technology is up-to-date. They can also protect their data from cyber threats. This allows them to provide better services to their customers, enhancing their reputation and success.

1. Proactive Tech Support

Tech support is a vital managed IT service. It ensures minimal downtime and maintains productivity. When technical issues arise, a dedicated tech support team can quickly resolve them.

Proactive tech support goes a step further. It anticipates potential IT issues and addresses them before they cause problems. This proactive approach can save small businesses valuable time and resources.

2. Strategic IT Consulting

IT consulting is another crucial managed IT service. It provides strategic planning and technology implementation. An IT consultant can guide small businesses in making informed technology decisions.

These decisions can impact a business’s competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. Therefore, strategic IT consulting can play a significant role in a small business’s success.

3. Robust Network Security

Network security is a critical managed IT service. It protects businesses from cyber threats and data breaches. A robust network security system can safeguard a small business’s sensitive data.

This service is essential in today’s digital age. Cyber threats are increasing in complexity, making network security a top priority for small businesses.

4. Cloud Services and Management

Cloud services offer scalability, flexibility, and cost savings for small businesses. They allow businesses to store and access data remotely, eliminating the need for physical servers.

Managed IT service providers can manage these cloud services. They ensure optimal performance and security, allowing businesses to reap the full benefits of cloud technology.

5. Data Backup and Recovery Solutions

Data backup and recovery are critical for any business. They prevent data loss and ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster.

Managed IT services can provide automated backup solutions and robust recovery plans. This ensures that your business data is safe and can be restored quickly when needed.

6. VoIP Services for Modern Communication

VoIP services are a modern solution for business communication. They offer features like call forwarding, voicemail, and video conferencing at a lower cost than traditional phone systems.

Managed IT services can set up and maintain your VoIP system. This ensures clear, reliable communication for your business.

7. Comprehensive Managed Cybersecurity

Cyber threats are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses are often targeted due to their perceived lack of security measures.

Managed IT services provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. They protect your business from threats, monitor for breaches, and respond quickly to any incidents. This proactive approach to cybersecurity can save your business from costly data breaches and downtime.

8. Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is a cornerstone of managed IT services. It involves the continuous monitoring of your IT systems to identify and resolve issues before they escalate.

With RMM, small businesses can enjoy peace of mind knowing their IT infrastructure is being proactively managed. This service minimizes downtime, enhances performance, and allows for the early detection of potential problems.

9. Help Desk Support Services

Help Desk Support Services are a critical component of managed IT services. They provide immediate assistance to employees facing technical issues, ensuring minimal disruption to their work.

These services can handle a wide range of issues, from simple software glitches to complex network problems. With a dedicated help desk, small businesses can ensure quick resolution of IT problems, enhancing productivity and employee satisfaction.

10. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Accessibility

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a model where businesses access software over the internet, rather than installing it on their own servers. This model offers significant cost savings, as it eliminates the need for upfront software purchases and ongoing maintenance.

Managed IT services often include SaaS accessibility, ensuring businesses have access to the latest software versions. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures businesses can leverage the latest technology advancements without significant investments.

11. Compliance and Risk Management

Compliance and risk management are critical aspects of any business, especially those dealing with sensitive data. Managed IT services can help businesses meet regulatory requirements and protect their reputation by implementing robust security measures.

Moreover, managed IT service providers often have expertise in various industry regulations, helping businesses navigate complex compliance landscapes. This not only reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties but also ensures businesses can operate with confidence, knowing their data is secure.

Choosing the Right Managed IT Service Provider

Choosing the right managed IT service provider is crucial for small businesses. It’s important to find a provider that understands your business needs and can tailor their services accordingly.

Consider factors such as the provider’s expertise, the range of services they offer, their customer service, and their pricing structure. It’s also beneficial to look at reviews or testimonials from other small businesses they’ve worked with.

Conclusion: The Value of Managed IT Services for Small Businesses

Managed IT services offer numerous benefits for small businesses. They provide access to specialized expertise, help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest technology, and allow businesses to focus on their core operations.

In conclusion, investing in managed IT services can significantly enhance a small business’s efficiency, security, and competitiveness. It’s an investment that can yield substantial returns in the long run.

Free smart home house technology vector

Top 10 Most Common Smart Home Issues (and How to Fix Them)

Back when you were a kid, living in a “smart home” probably sounded futuristic. Something out of Back to the Future II or The Jetsons. Well, we don’t yet have flying cars, but we do have video telephones as well as smart refrigerators and voice-activated lights.

But even the most advanced technology can have analog problems. Hackers can get past weak passwords. Bad connections can turn advanced into basic pretty quickly.

Have you run into any issues with your smart home gadgets? Not to worry! We’ve got your back when it comes to troubleshooting several common smart home issues.

Here are some of the most frequent problems along with simple steps to get your smart haven back on track.

1. Connectivity Woes

Are your smart gadgets refusing to connect to Wi-Fi? The main claim to fame of smart devices is that you can access them wirelessly. An internet connection is also vital to integrate several devices into a smart home hub.

If your device is having connection issues, check the basics first. Restart your router and your devices. If that doesn’t work, ensure you’ve positioned your router centrally. This gives you optimal signal strength. Consider a mesh network for large houses. Or invest in a Wi-Fi extender for better coverage.

2. Device Unresponsiveness

Now that we have voice-activated devices, we expect them to always answer. It can be frustrating when a device won’t respond to its “wake word.” We might even raise our voice and ask again… only to be ignored.

Are you having trouble with your smart devices not responding to commands? A simple power cycle (turning them off and on) can often do the trick. Check for software updates on your devices. As well as the corresponding apps. Updating software can fix bugs and improve performance.

3. Battery Drain

Smart devices, especially those battery-powered, can drain quickly. Adjust settings to reduce power consumption. Disable features you don’t use. Such as notification lights or constant background updates. Consider replacing batteries with high-quality ones for optimal performance.

4. Incompatibility Issues

Not all smart devices are created equal. Just because it says “smart” on the box doesn’t mean it plays well with others. When a new device won’t interact with your network, it can mean money down the drain.

Before you buy, check to ensure your devices are compatible with each other. Build your devices around your smart home platform. Review the manufacturer’s specifications thoroughly to avoid compatibility headaches.

5. Security Concerns

Security is paramount in a smart home. There have been horror stories about hacked baby monitors. These stories can get real very fast. You need to pay attention to securing your devices. Rather than getting caught up in plugging them in as fast as possible.

Use strong and unique passwords for all your devices and accounts. Enable two-factor authentication wherever available. Keep your devices and apps updated with the latest security patches.

A few other smart device security tips include:

  • Change the default device name on your network. Choose something generic.
  • Put smart devices on a separate “guest” network. This keeps them separated from devices with more sensitive data.
  • Turn off unnecessary sharing features. These are often enabled by default.

6. App Troubles

Are you running into sporadic problems? Bugs that crop up intermittently?

Sometimes, the problem might lie with the app itself. Check if any app updates are available and install them. Try logging out and logging back in to refresh the connection. If issues persist, uninstall and reinstall the app.

7. Automation Gone Wrong

Smart home automations can be convenient, but sometimes they malfunction. Review your automation rules and ensure they’re set up correctly. Test them individually to identify any faulty triggers or actions.

8. Limited Range

Some smart devices have a limited range. Check the manufacturer’s guide so you know what to expect. Move your devices closer to the hub or router for better communication. Consider using repeaters or extenders if the distance is an issue.

9. Ghost Activity

Ever experienced your smart lights turning on or off randomly? This could be due to factors such as:

  • Accidental voice commands
  • Faulty sensors
  • Scheduled automations you forgot about
  • A hacked device

Review your automation settings and disable any you don’t need. Investigate if your devices are picking up unintended voice commands from other sources. Change passwords and watch out for breaches.

10. Feeling Overwhelmed

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re dealing with several smart devices. Don’t hesitate to consult your device manuals and online resources. You can also get help from our IT experts for specific troubleshooting steps. These resources can offer more guidance tailored to your situation.

Need Help Securing Your Smart Home?

A smart home should simplify your life, not complicate it. These simple solutions can help you navigate common issues. It’s also important to get a smart home security assessment to keep your family protected.

Contact us today to schedule a security checkup for your smart home and gain peace of mind.

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.